UML Chamber Singers – “The Road Home” by Stephen Paulus
“The Road Home”
Hymn Tune “Prospect”
ad. Stephen Paulus (1949-2014)
UMass Lowell Chamber Singers
Jonathan Richter, conductor
Mark Andrews
Sarah Bustin
Anders Carlson
Alexander Cook
Ian Glancy
Amy Johnson
Jordan Jones
Kyle Kashiwabara
Aidan Kelly
Gillian LaFosse
Michael Lynch
Ambar Marte Vargas
Olivia Minchello
Brian Patten
Cristian Ramos
Catiana Rosario
Devin Salviuolo
Cait Sampson
Brynne Santos
Samantha Schulz
Megan Sweeney
Bobby Waters
Mikayla White
Performed and recorded outdoors on the UML campus in April 2021. Students who opted to participate virtually also submitted individual tracks that were added into the final mix.
Video recording by Corbin Lewis and the Durgin Technical Staff.
Video editing by Alexander Cook.
Audio editing by Jonathan Richter.